Marketers didn't like the name Chinese gooseberry, so they renamed the fruit “kiwi” after a bird that it resembles.
The chemicals in garlic are so potent that you can suffer severe burns just by placing a garlic clove against your skin.
Eating lemon makes you live longer.
Broccoli is the food with the best anti-cancer properties.
White wine gets darker as it ages and red wine gets lighter.
Onions contain a mild antibiotic that fights infection, soothes burns, tames
bee stings and relieves the itch of athletes foot.

Coffee is the world's most recognizable smell.
Peanut is one of the most concentrated sources of nourishment.
Cherries ease inflammation and gout; and they may even help prevent
Microwave popcorn gives off a toxic, lung-damaging gas when cooked.
The seed inside a peach contains an almond-like nut which holds a potent
anti-cancer medicine called laetrile.
The average apple contains around 130 calories.
Processed cheese is less than 51 percent cheese.
Mangoes treat acne effectively as they open the clogged pores of the skin.
The antioxidant content of oregano is higher than that of blueberries.
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